The Power of Self-Reflection


Many world champion athletes, business leaders, and spiritual teachers all cite self-reflection as an essential key to success.

Self-Reflection is about taking a step back and reflecting on your life, behavior and beliefs.

It’s a valuable and powerful practice.

But, many of us don’t take the time to do it - or maybe not as often as we'd like! We keep running on the treadmill of life feeling we don’t have any time to waste. We keep moving in order to keep up. But too often, we just crash and burn. That’s because the only way to keep up with the pace of life is to STOP. To hop off the treadmill. To take a step back and reflect on what’s working and what’s not. To identify what to keep and what needs to change.

You may have heard the saying’ “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again but expecting different results.” Yet, that is what so many of us do - continue on through life doing the same things and wondering why we aren’t getting a different outcome.

My latest article, just published on Lifehack is all about self-reflection.You’ll learn about the key benefits; get access to a step-by-step process; find out what to reflect on; uncover the best times to step back; and find valuable tips and strategies to make your self-reflection time most productive and valuable.

If self-reflection isn’t a regular part of your life right now, or it’s been a while since you took a step back to reflect, this is your wake-up call! It’s time to take a step back. Time to hop off the treadmill of life. Time to reflect.

Let’s get started!