Tracy Kennedy

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Take Back Control of your Life with Positive Emotions

Online Course:  5 Steps To Discover Your Next

Free Guide: Discover Your Next 

Free Guide: 
How To Get Your Energy Back! 

Let’s face it, 2020 has not been the year most of us expected or hoped for. For many, it’s been one of the most difficult years of their lives. With uncertainty, loneliness, heartache, fear, anger, and stress at an all-time high, you’ve likely experienced your fair share of bad days, difficult times, and negative emotions.

If you’re feeling anxious, lonely, sad, or down, you are not alone. There are many things outside of your control – the pandemic, natural disasters, heated politics and unemployment, to name a few. But there is one thing you can control each and every day - what's going on inside you.

In the words of Viktor Frankl, 

“Everything can be taken from us but one thing: the last of human freedoms –
to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way”. 

(If you have not read Man’s Search for Meaning, I highly recommend you grab a copy and read it now)

The bottom line? Feeling better isn't just something you have to wait around for. Positive emotions aren’t only created by positive events and good things in our lives. With the right strategies and an understanding of why positivity is so critical, each day can be better.

Now I’m not suggesting you ignore what’s going on in the world and look for only sunshine and rainbows. I am suggesting that instead of holding tight and waiting for 2020 to end (will things really be different on January 1st anyway?), we choose to make the most of each and every day we are given.

How? By actively and intentionally bringing positive emotions into each day.

Now more than ever, we could all use a little more James Brown’s “I Feel Good” energy in our lives.

If you're looking for more ways to feel good, even when thing are bad, check out my latest article on where I share simple ways to quickly evoke the ‘big 10’ positive emotions: love, joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, and awe.

Try one, try them all, but do something. Because every day, we have a choice - and a responsibility - to feel good, do good and be the best version of ourselves. 

Great changes in history never occurred through negativity and resignation, but through hope and optimism that things could be different. And it’s times like these it becomes even more critical that we find that positivity, tap into our collective strength, resilience, and optimism and power through.

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